Slinking in the back

You'd never know it to read it now, but this post has undergone innumerable rewrites behind the scenes. Draft mode can be an exhausting place if things are left to linger too long.

Originally titled "A triumphant return," this date cake recipe was meant to celebrate our first pre-spring weeks back in Vancouver. But my return to blogging grew less triumphant and more sheepish as the days tick-tocked on, so I switched gears—and titles—to focus more on the cake and less on my delinquency.

In the post's second major iteration, "Dates—not just for old people," I aimed to debunk outdated notions about the humble date and play up the fruit's star qualities. In hindsight, it was a bit too Ron Popeil:
Are dates a thing now? I'm beginning to think they're a thing. In my mind, dates were always something grandmas ate—right up there on the list with prunes and Grape Nuts. Maybe that's just my Granny. Regardless, the thing about dates is that they have a rich flavour, a velvety smooth texture when blended... 
That version languished in draft mode for weeks. I'd check in every once in awhile just to see how the text was doing, hoping for a minor miracle that would transform my rambling into a thoughtful post while I was off gallivanting. A heads up: that doesn't work.

Today, in the spirit of tidying up loose ends, I resolved to press "publish" no matter what. Sometimes—most times—there's no triumphant return. When you're late, you just have to slip through the back door, slide into your seat and hope no one notices.

Source: Salted Caramel Date Loaf, recreated exactly as recommended by Ashley, the voice and photographer behind Not Without Salt.

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