(To the tune of "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly")
There was a nutty girl who traipsed across town.
For a mortar and pestle, she searched all around.
I don't know why
she just didn't buy
that tapenade.
She bought the mortar and pestle to grind the olives,
she ground the olives to make the tapenade,
she made the tapenade to coat the pâte feuilletée,
she coated the pâte feuilletée to season the tomatoes and chèvre,
she seasoned the tomatoes and chèvre to follow the recipe,
she followed the recipe to crack the spine on her new cookbook.
But I don't know why
she just didn't buy
that tapenade.
(Well she'd like to believe the homemade back olive and fig tapenade had a hand in making this savoury tart so tasty.)
Call me obsessed, but I can't get that Pineapple Downside-Up Cake out of my head. That good, people. So it should come as no surprise, then, that it was the Tarte Tatin à la Tomate that caught my eye and called my name as I flipped through the newest addition to my bookshelf.
Both recipes share a toasted top (bottom)...
...some lovely caramelization, and a moment of truth.
This rich tart bursts with flavour, whether enjoyed hot with a side of mixed greens for dinner or cool in your lunch the next day.
Source: Miss Clotilde Dusoulier's recently published Chocolate & Zucchini cookbook, inspired by her blog of the same name. I'm cooking/baking from the UK edition of the book, which provides metric measurements; there is also a US version for those who favour the cups and spoons approach.Labels: Brunch, Savoury bites