Home, where the heart is

Moving requires packing, which involves sorting, which inevitably leads to purging. I think it's the only time in your life when it really makes sense to pull everything from its place and take a long, hard look at it. Who wants to waste energy moving something you're never going to use?

Spring cleaning is all fine and well, but the process begins to lose its appeal after you've emptied the contents of the hall closet onto the living room and rooted around in it for a few hours. When you've just moved into a new place, there's nowhere to sit, you've got nothing to eat and there's nothing to do but unpack all of those useful things you did end up bringing along. (Like those econometrics notes from grad school -- super important and consulted almost daily I swear.)

While taking stock of my ever-expanding cookie cutter collection, I discovered 2 things. First, I have an inordinate number of star cookie cutters (even for someone with a special connection to the icon). Second, I own a cookie cutter shaped liked a house of all things. I know, I can't figure it out either.

After some mid-packing pondering, I realized its boxy shape gives it quite an edge (no pun intended) over the others. Unlike my stumpless Christmas trees and headless men, these houses tend to stay intact on their way to the baking sheet.

My main issue with keeping it was the absence of a holiday or celebration dedicated to homes. Like, when do you break out the house cookies?

Then it hit me.

Notes: I used this royal icing to (lazily) pipe the borders and a thinned version of the same icing in 2 colours for flooding.

Source: Dorie Greenspan's recipe for Grandma's All-Occasion Sugar Cookies, as posted by D. on her crafting co-blog, Kindred Crafters. Definitely one for the recipe file.
